Litt MX-5 historie

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Litt MX-5 historie

Post by 2re »

På klubbkvelden hos Østerås ble både forhandler og klubben overrakt en jubileumsbok. Vi har digitalisert den slik at alle kan ta en kikk:
30th Anniversary Edition bokscan.pdf
(12.54 MiB) Downloaded 606 times
These users thanked the author 2re for the post (total 2):
Orlando - 96 Miata M edition 1.8 Starlight Blue Mica
x Petronella - 96 MX-5 1.6 BRG
"If you can't go fast with 90 horsepower, 900 horsepower won't help you" - Bob Hall, father of the MX-5/Miata
x 2013 Mazda6 2.0 Vision
2017 Mazda CX-5 Optimum AWD
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