You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

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You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

Post by Fabiz »

Prøvde søkefunksjonen, men fant ingenting fra før, så her kommer den. Artig hvor mye av dette som faktisk STEMMER. :lol:

You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

1. Your left elbow has developed into a second wrist to aid in removing the oil filter.

2. Upon starting any other vehicle, you make a "tick tick tick" noise with your tongue, just to feel more at home.

3. You get into other cars, and constantly berate them for not having a "real OPG."

4. People ask you why you have a “fun noodle” sitting in your car.

5. You have to explain to people that the car's faster if they're not in it, and then dodge the slap and accusations that you're calling them fat.

6. You've spun out at least once, then quickly got going again, purposely spun 180 degrees the other way, and continued on as if you meant to spin the first time, only now your heart is about ready to explode because it's beating so damn fast.

7. People insist it's FWD, you promptly prove them otherwise, and they get reeeeal quiet.

8. You're thrilled when the guy at the emissions test place positions the car with the *rear* tires on the rollers without you having to tell him.

9. You hear someone's car ticking and tell them it's time to change their oil.

10. You have to explain that your car is faster in turns than going straight.

11. You think a 1.8 is a large displacement motor.

12. You regularly use acronyms like AFM, CAS, NA, OTM, OPG, and YMMV.

13. You know what HLA noise is.

14. You get out the car when at a drive-through ATM.

15. You break whatever you have of a fingernail when opening the door.

16. You have to yell to carry a conversation with your passenger.

17. You can change the rear end in less than 3 hours.

18. You go to pack ANY other car and are amazed at the trunk you can comfortably hide a family of four in.

19. You've heard of the "Loctite fix" and probably know how to do it, even if you've never had to.

20. ...what dash rattle?

21. You refuse to wear baggy pants or shorts while driving because you don't feeling picking up all your change off the floor, and you’re afraid if you miss a coin it may rattle against something.

22. You start liking pop-up headlights.

23. You start noticing all the other cars with pop-up headlights.

24. You find yourself driving much later into dusk before turning on your headlights to keep the aerodynamics clean.

25. You can joke about your headlights affecting your mileage.

26. You spend time trying to figure out how to make only one headlight pop up, so your car looks like it is winking for a parade.

27. You try to convince your father that his 993 is nice - but he'd be much happier with a nice older Miata.

28. People have to ask you what kind of car you have--after you walk them around it.

29. People ask you what year your car is and they're surprised to hear it's 14+ years old.

30. You listen to people say how small it is and calmly inform them that it's no problem as you have another one for the other foot.

31. It's quicker to turn the engine back on to roll up the power windows, especially when cold.

32. People look under your hood and ask where the battery is.

33. You’re proud of having over 150,000 miles on your car and still hitting the rev limiter on the auto-X track.

34. You compare all cars to your NA, no matter what type year or style.

35. After buying your NA, you spend more time on than you ever used to spend watching tv.

36. You hear a new squeak or sound and your first thought is "I better search for that."

37. You think a 99+ is too luxurious.

38. You think an S2000 is a little porky.

39. You try not to make eye contact with minivan drivers because they will blow your doors off.

40. You shop for rims and tires by weight.

41. You know what it means to "add lightness".

42. 200-300hp is BIG horsepower.

43. Your significant other understands that this is the other woman and still marries you.

44. You tell your significant other they will go before the car does.

45. Your significant other knows better than to ever try making you choose.

46. You know your cars weight but not your significant other’s.

47. 16” or larger wheels are considered to be “excessive”.

48. The only floor jack that fits is an expensive race jack.

49. You repeatedly “search” for another gear when driving above 70 on the highway.

50. You instinctively hunch over (or lean back if the top is down) at a stop light to look up at the light.

51. You know what the "55 MPH shimmy" is, and how to fix it.

52. You think that 2400 lbs. on a car is ridiculous.

53. You appreciate that "lockable glove box" they put on the back of the car.

54. You wonder why in the heck people with other drop tops never have the tops down on days that its above freezing.

55. You find yourself, after a long ride home, still sitting in the car, and it's not because you're waiting for the song on the radio to end.

56. You wonder why people brake before turns.

57. You avoid potholes like mad, partly because you don't want to hurt your baby, but mostly because it gives you an excuse to pull off some crazy fast maneuvering.

58. You turn back around to look at the car several times after you've parked.

59. Exotic uber-cars you used to drool and dream over now suddenly seem excessive and pretentious.

60. Your passenger throwing up from motion sickness makes you giggle.

61. You think drag strips should include more turns.

62. You understand this phrase, "If you can't go fast with 90hp, 900hp won't help you".

63. You know the difference between NA and N/A.

64. You take the longer, twistier, way to your destination.

65. You feel guilty driving with clothes on - because it's just unnecessary weight.

66. Due to your obsession to reduce weight, you suggest removing particular objects from your friend's car, and then wonder why they give you a puzzled look.

67. You consider not topping off your gas tank, because a full tank weighs 50lbs more than a half tank.

68. At the gas station, you stop pumping at 8-10 gallons because your tank is full - not because that’s only how much you can afford at the time.

69. The same day you bought the car, 2 strangers approach you and ask if you’re interested in selling it - 1 of them while at a red light.

70. Your new coworkers laugh at your car the first time they see it, and then you regularly catch them gazing out the window at it.

71. A complete stranger doesn’t feel like one if they own an NA too.

72. You decide to replace your OTM daily driver with an NA daily driver, and wonder what you were thinking with the OTM.

73. You have to turn the engine back on to get the Pivot headlights to set at the correct height.

74. Your heart jumps into your throat when you see a speed bump up ahead - while you’re driving your OTM.

75. You see a water puddle and you slow down to a crawl at the expense of surrounding traffic.

God søndag, alle sammen!

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Re: You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

Post by midget77 »

Liker :-)
Classic red Miata 1989 prod. juni 89 -
'A' package
Rød, original hardtop.
185/60x14 på BBS-sommer og sjøstjerner-vinter
- originalt kort tonneau cover
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Re: You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

Post by obi-one »

Nice and wise :)
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Re: You know you're an NA Miata owner when...

Post by Kjakan »

Fabiz wrote: 24. You find yourself driving much later into dusk before turning on your headlights to keep the aerodynamics clean.
38. You think an S2000 is a little porky.
De to flirte jeg mest av. Spesielt bussjåfører pleier å blinke febrilsk på meg...
X 1995 Miata popular equipment package
X 1993 Miata C-Pack
X 1994 Miata C-pack
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